Welcome to my online home.

What is this site?

I am an explorer and a creator, and I love people deeply. My past creations include music, visual art, speaking, and business as well as brief interludes in architectural design and computer programming.

I am obsessed with truthful human orientation and the proper navigation of life. In a chaotic and deceptive world, how can we orient ourselves spiritually, philosophically, and psychologically in order to understand and act out the truth?

Some of the specific questions I am exploring right now are:

  • What true beliefs and behavior lead to beauty, goodness, and sustaining life?

  • How can we build and sustain wonderful homes (like a meaningful career, deep relationships, and identity) in a chaotic, evolving world?

  • How can we find spiritual orientation with integrity and avoid getting swept away by irrational religious culture and dubious beliefs?

How should you use this site?

Normally, you can find a collection of my best writing in the Essays section. I recently removed some old work from this section, so it is currently empty.

In the Notes section, I share less formal and more frequent posts like Our Failure of Virtue and Conservative Appreciation of Iconoclasm.

When you read a post, leave a comment! What was useful, thought-provoking, or inspiring? What do you agree or disagree with? Let’s explore these interesting domains together and learn more about the world and ourselves.

If you would like to be notified when I share something new, you can sign up for my email list here:

Curation & Commentary

In addition to sharing my own work, I like to curate and analyze content from my favorite thinkers, such as:

How to contact me

If you would like to get in touch, please email me at zach@zachwasham.com.